Cooking Club - High School


This cooking class is for students that are in high school (or ages 14-18).

Join us Wednesday evenings this spring for Cooking Club! A twist on some of your favourite dishes and also some new ones!

Dates: April 24 and runs for 5 consecutive weeks ending on May 22, 2024.

Time: 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm (2.5 hours per class)

Participants will eat the meal they make with their classmates before going home.

If you need a ride to the class, please send an email to Melissa at to make arrangements.

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Cooking classes have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. These classes offer numerous benefits that go beyond just learning how to cook. Here are some of the benefits of cooking classes:

  1. Develop life skills: Cooking classes teach participants important life skills, such as following directions, measuring ingredients, and time management. These skills not only help them in the kitchen but also in other aspects of their lives.

  2. Promote healthy eating habits: Cooking classes can encourage participants to try new foods and explore healthier options. They can learn about the importance of using fresh ingredients and making balanced meals.

  3. Boost self-esteem: When kids learn to cook, they have a sense of accomplishment and pride in their creations. They can gain confidence in their abilities and feel a sense of independence.

  4. Encourage creativity: Cooking classes allow participants to experiment with flavours and ingredients, and to create their own unique dishes. This can inspire creativity and a love of cooking.

  5. Provide a fun and educational activity: Cooking classes can be a fun and educational activity for all ages. They can learn about different cultures and cuisines, and the science behind cooking.

Overall, cooking classes for kids are a great way to promote healthy habits, develop life skills, and have fun in the kitchen.